Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
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Scooter04:41:14 - March 21 2012
RE: RE: RE: RE: ambush november 65 (Brian mellor) (dazlgywf) (Cash) (Benon)
That's an excellent ibresvatoon, Peter. People who knew the killer in Pittsburgh say he had fears (however irrational) that Obama was going to take his guns. So he will be portrayed as one of those angry militia types. No sympathy for him (except among angry militia types, of course). The guy in Oakland is somehow a symbol of struggle, if only to ignorant, black nationalists. To turn a violent parolee into some kind of Rosa Parks figure is a sign of a truly sick, extremist ideology. In a way, these black "radicals" have put a new twist on the old philosophy of the imperialist and the slave owner: "We are black, and due to historical experiences, we cannot be held to the same standards of behavior as Europeans. You have to give us a little slack, and excuse the occasional multiple homicide cuz us "brothers" have had it so tough." In truth, both of these killers had characteristics in common. They were losers that couldn't deal with life and didn't want to go to jail/prison. They were bullies, yet considered themselves to be victims (an attitude that shows up again and again in criminal etiology). They were also selfish assholes who were willing to kill to accomplish this even if they had to die in the process. Again, they aren't "brothers in struggle," they are losers and they got what was coming to them. F*$k 'em both.
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