Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
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Dorothy13:33:54 - June 13 2012
I'd love to see more analysis (any poeitnrs?). As it is from what I have run across along with a quick check of CIA Factbook, it appears MPs(Solomon) are sufficiently brokered that a more popular PM would have been selected. Options explaining the actual selection elections are a sideshow to governing and the riots are by a minority disgruntled. I'm sure there are more; those are off the top of my head.Re the ethnic Chinese. A more industrial lot is hard to find in this world. In the Oceania region, however, not much industrial character is needed to top native cultures. And I don't mean that to be inherently disparaging it's an issue that is bound up partly in geography with the rest in attitude (the not embrassing foreign ideas which are better than yours kind) which I found best described in Thomas Sowell's Race and Culture (if I remember his source book correctly) and satired in a Life of Brian segment.I read the other day that private giving by Americans topped government foreign aid fourfold and much of this is now in the form of teaching to fish, not handing out fish. This appears to be having good results (as if it is possible it wouldn't.) It seems to me that making a full fledged effort like this in the Solomons might be just what the doctor ordered. Side benefits could include depleting the ranks of potential disgruntled protestors and a lesser reliance on government.BTW, it might be a good idea if someone, Queen or Governor General, suggested to the political class that the Solomons really doesn't need a 20 Cabinet post government. What a colossal waste of good farm hands and janitors. (Don't mind me. I have a nasty streak of political/governmental misanthropy that rears it's ugly head sometimes.)
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