Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
Message Board

Nan10:51:25 - September 27 2012
RE: School in Dai Loc (Steve Scott)
408Hi, I am attempting to enslit, but i'm having some problems. During the initial interview when asked about prior drug use and/or criminal charges I, because I greatly value honesty, was truthful and told my recruiter that I had been charged with a Minor Possesion of Marijuana (under one ounce) when I was 13. I am 19 now and have not touched marijuana, or any other mind altering substance, since. Also, my record was exponged for exceptional behavior one year after the charge, and then sealed when I turned 18. Today I called my recruiter to check in and he told me that the Executive Officer for my district will not sign off on a waiver for my enslitment. I know that I will be a good Marine, I'm fit, smart, and dedicated. On the EST test I scored an 86. My recruiter told me to that I should speak with the Exec. Officer in one month and ask him/her to reconsider a waiver. Can anyone give me suggestions on what I can do to better my chances of a waiver?
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