Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
Message Board

Atike15:37:03 - June 13 2012
RE: RE: Passing of Carlos Ramsey (Chris Kanewske) (Gary L. Leber)
you don't need it. (He is right- you don't need a credit card- we haven't had one in 1 1/2 years. We don't miss them.) We spend less by using our debt card and cash. Also Dave is about bdiiulng your credit score. If you decide not to use any credit and as you become debt free- eventually you won't have a credit score. If you need a mortgage and you don't have a FICO then you ask for manual underwriting (local credit unions and banks still do these). Dave is about gazelle intense- get out of debt as fast as possible so then you can save for emergencies, retirement, college, etc, etc.
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