Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
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Izabela12:34:09 - October 26 2012
RE: RE: List my name (Mike Hicks) (grhvhllo)
The teachings of Abraham tgrouhh Esther have helped me tremenously in my own life. I've never been to a seminar and sorry to hear what Kiyah had to say about her impatience. On Esther's behalf I would like to say that on my journey of enlightenment and self-discovery I have found that on occasion when I'm having a breakthrough and my vibration rises quickly I get impatient with those who's vibration isn't at the same level. Esther is human and it is hard on a human to channel, I 've know several channeler's personally. No human can be "nice" all of the time, and most human's "want" money.Also, to Karen, what you believe creates your reality, but it might not be a reality to someone else. God, the Life Force Energy, sends wisdom to us by many different messengers, because we all have different ways of understanding and processing what we are to learn. They are all right and it is not for us to judge what others believe. Can we love everyone and honor where they are on their journey:)?
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