Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
Message Board

Nenew00:51:45 - June 14 2012
RE: RE: Happy Birthday (Paul L. Hummel) (Chyna)
When my warranty was aomlst expired on my 2006 Mazda 5 I started getting calls from this company. Before I was willing to agree with anything I asked my local Mazda dealer about it. If a Mazda dealer was unfamiliar with this offer I knew it was a red flag. In future calls from US Fidelis they told me they were based out of St. Louis, MO. I bought the car in Florida and was living in North Carolina at the time and wasn't interested in dealing with anybody from Missouri so I told them I no longer had the Mazda 5, I had an AMC Eagle (20 years discontinued at the time) with 350,000 miles on it because I needed something four wheel drive. They told me the offer was only good up to 15 years old and not more than 200,000 miles. They asked me if I had another vehicle. I told them I had a Daihatsu Rocky (more than 15 years since sold in the US) with 298,000 miles. I guess if they were to honor that they would've been made too easily. As far as no vehicle inspection required goes I would've requested them to suggest to me a local dealer in my area that can do that for me. I bet they couldn't do that. They probably wouldn't want me to ask any local shops if they were familiar with their plan, not without at least getting money from me first.
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