Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
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Illusion20:01:26 - November 30 2012
RE: RE: RE: Inquiry~ Midhael Coons Delta 1/7 (Randy Ware) (Charles Stout) (jonn3)
nor do they abide by it, at all. They completely igorne it and the Republicans who are there do the same thing. They certainly don't abide by it nor do they insist that it be followed How many lawsuits have they filed in comparison to what the demo's did during the Bush Presidency????? I haven't heard of that much if any . The media is trying their darnedist,( is that a word), to have her seen as a dimwit. Saying it long enough and often enough and that's what it becomes .Call an apple, an orange long, and often enough and it becomes an orange ..same with people .It's call brainwashing. I'm rambling again stay well ..reply from Robert: It is like I have said in my latest post ..the new crop of Conservatives coming in are not career politicians and they are not swayed to follow the way things have been , and instead follow the Constitution and the will of the people. Those are the kind that we have to get in there, and then watch them so they don't become career politicians. The young ones coming out have an idea what the Constitution says. A lot of them read it all the time. Now the Liberals? They are different. They like Nancy Pelosi when questioned about the Constitutionality of their actions, will ask you, Are you serious?
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