Semper Fidelis 7th Marines
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Petrina18:46:02 - June 13 2012
RE: RE: RE: RE: Citations & Awards (Seal, Douglas) (Raymond A. Gonzals MOS 0331 ) (Daysia) (Reli)
Yes, Grats on the free and clear title, too! On your credit reoprt, it will show what the minimum payment is, and what you usually paid on it. That extra increases your score a great deal!Now, though, just to caution you, if you go for a year or two without a car payment and then want to purchase another car, the lender may require a good down payment, because they want to see that you've been able to save the money that would have otherwise gone to a car payment. If you have that kind of money, it will show them that not only do you really want the car, but that you haven't been spending your money on crap (and will want to keep spending your money, even with a new car note to pay on). To see it through their eyes, it's someone who had spent $300/mo on a car note for a few years, and then had no payments needed for a few years. Now they want to take up another loan with a $300 payment but have they gotten comfortable with not having that extra payment? Are they still reliable for that note? Or are they going to be scraping the money together each month, hoping they will have enough?Anyhow, that's the story lol i went on and on, sorry!
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