Chu Lai

A view of Chu Lai December 1966, and the mountains west of the airfield.

Nui Dang

Nui Dang was an OP on Operation Desoto near Duc Pho in II Corps. 106's and .50 cal Machine guns were used from this hill to inflict damage to the enemy below.

Comm Bunker

Operation Desoto, Ken Gould, on an hill once used by the ARVN that was infested with rats.

Nui Dang

Ken's living quarters on Nui Dang during operation Desoto. A Spring was located halfway down the hill with cool water in a very hot place.

Photograph's on this page were donated by Ken Gould who was in H&S Co. and with Kilo Co. 3d Bn 7th Marines. Although we didn't know each other, Ken and I also served with the 3d Bn 2nd Marines prior to our being posted to VietNam.

Victor Vilionis

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